Analysis of the Influence of a Triple Jump Contest on the Equilibration Function

Author Details

Jean-Michel Samper, William Bertucci, Gerome Gauchard

Journal Details


Published: 9 November 2018 | Article Type :


The aim of the study was to investigate, during a triple jump event, the positive or negative impact of the repetitive task on the postural stability that triple jump performance depends. Fourteen triple jumpers were recorded before the warm up and just after cessation of triple jump contest, on standardizing foot position according to Standard AFP 85 with a stabilometric coupled single-foot platforms (Cyber-Sabots®, Marseille, France). The test consisted of two conditions (Pre-event and Post-event), each consisting of 51.2-s trials. At the end of the triple jump event, attendees have significantly reduced the lenght of the statokinesigram (p=0,016<0,05), the ratio of the statokinesigram length, the Mean speed (p=0,013<0,05) and the total energy of postural sways of the vertical plan (p=0,009<0,05). Our study suggests that a positive modification on postural stability in standing position seems to be providing by a repetitive exercise soliciting the maximal muscular power output. Following these results, a study focus on the lower limb muscles could be relevant to identify and analyze more precisely the mechanisms for control the postural stability after a triple jump event.

Keywords : Triple jump, equilibration, body balance, repetitive task.

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How to Cite


Jean-Michel Samper, William Bertucci, Gerome Gauchard. (2018-11-09). "Analysis of the Influence of a Triple Jump Contest on the Equilibration Function." *Volume 1*, 2, 31-37